Rise of the King

11/7/2021 - 5/28/2023

Join us as we ramp into the Christmas season where we are introduced to the long awaited and promised King of the Old Testament who inaugurates the New Testament. However the promised King's arrival is significantly different from that of his predecessors. Jesus doesn’t come loudly, no armored guard, no parade, and not with force. Instead after 400 years of silence history changed and most in the world didn't even know it. This Christmas we do not want you to miss out on the King of Kings who has come and soon will come again.

In This Series

  1. Rise of the King - Week 1
  2. Rise of the King - Week 2
  3. Rise of the King - Week 3
  4. Rise of the King - Week 4
  5. Mission & Vision Sunday
  6. Rise of the King - Week 5
  7. Rise of the King - Week 6
  8. Christmas Eve Eve
  9. The Return of the King

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